Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today I will be getting the cast for my movie. The next post that I make will have a list of the cast and what type of supernatural they are. Hope you all can remember the name of the movie. The name is "The Monster Girl's". The movie is about a group of girls who are really mean to the other group. The group that was being mean was led by the meanest girl in the school, Prissy Sterlin. The other group was led by the nice and popular girl. Her name is Stella Stein. She is the sister of the second meanest girl in school, Frankie Stein. The other girls in the nice group are named Twighlight, Rainbow dash, Rarity and Stella. The mean girls are Frankie, Prissy, Apple Jack and Jinafire Long. The mean girls of the high school kicked the nice girls out of school. The nice girls had to find a way to get back in the high school. So Stella  asked Jinafire Long to join their club. She said, "Sure!" Then Jinafire Long let them back into the school. The principle was so mad at the mean girls that she made them go into math class after school. The nice girl, Stella, was trying to get her friends to get along with Jina. They would not. Stella said, "Jina will be joining our club." The girls laughed and said, "Stella, you must be joking!" But Stella was not. Jina said, "The mean girls were mean to me, but then the nice girls agreed to help." When the mean girls were sent to Cematree High, the nice girls cheered. There weren't anymore mean girls, but Stella felt sorry that the girls were sent to Cematree High. They would have to do math, cut trees and do hard work. It was a bad high school. So Stella and Jina went to go get them out. When they got to Cematree High, the mean girls were doing math in the rain. They got mud on their boots and water on their homework. Frankie said, "Oh look girls. Looks like the nice girls are here to make fun of us for working hard." Then Stella said to her sister, "Look girls, I'm sorry the principle sent you here.  Me and Jina are here to help." Prissy said, "Maybe it's just one of your funny little pranks." Stella said, "It's not. Watch me work." Away Stella went doing their math and work all throughout the day. Then the girls said, "Wow! Why did you do that for us?" Stella said, "Twighlight taught me that friendship is the most powerful thing. So, I came to get you out." The next day, the girls were out of Cematree High and were back in Monster High. Hope you enjoyed my post/story. Sorry it was so long, but I hope you enjoyed it. Peace out!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today I got up and I had to go out to catch our baby bunnies. Then I ate breakfast and got dressed.
I did some school and my favorite part about it was getting to learn new things. I got to learn about finding perimeter in Math.

I played Minecraft with my friend. We went to the orthodontist with my mom and after that we went to Rhema. At Rhema we saw lights and heard rock and classical music. My favorite part was getting to see the big American flag.

We went home to rest for a few minuets then we ate dinner. We ate sweet potatoes and BBQ chicken while we watched "Arthur Christmas".

Thank you for reading my blog today. I love making Facebook and blog posts. Bye!

Monday, November 4, 2013

I played Minecraft then I fed my bunnies then got dressed and did school.

This afternoon I read some books: "Alice Spy" and "The Amazing Spider-Man". Then I played Minecraft then I went to help make lunch. We went on a walk after lunch and I saw a pretty weed.

I had fun making some future plans. They may or may not really happen.

I watched a movie while I ate dinner. Then Mom and Dad had news to say. Mom is going to have a baby! I'm so exited for the baby that will be coming. Well, that's it for my blog. Peace out!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day Three

Hey bloggers. Today I woke up at 5 am in the morning. 

We were babysitting my baby cousin Jocelyn.     
                                                                                                                                                            Then it was the afternoon and my uncles arrived at my house and my cousin's mother, Rachel.

Then my little brother made a dance on Just Dance 3. He was being so cute. Now my other little brother, Toby, is making a power rangers dance. He thinks he is in the screen of freestyle but he really is not. Toby is being so adorable. He doesn't care if we are laughing. He is the best three year old brother I could ever ask for and Gideon, too, I love them both.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day Two

Hi! I just did something on my iPad. I was looking at houses and I found a big house. It was lovely! I just fell in love with the house. I want to live in that house when I grow up. Its $7.9 million. Wow! That is a lot of money! I love my family:}

bye bloggers

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day One

This morning I woke up at 9 o clock, so I got up and got dressed. I got my brothers something to wear,  then I went and made my bed in my room. 

This afternoon I did math and I made some paper dolls of my family.

 Then I ate lunch and went downstairs and played a video game, Castle Crashers. After a few minutes of playing the game, my batteries went out and my brother's went out too. Then I gave up my charging cord and stopped playing and went to play with my iPad. On my iPad, I went on youtube and played some of Taylor Swift's music. Then I made some barbie clothes designs. Then I went back to my iPad and watched some stampylonghead videos and ibillisticsquid videos. 

Me and my mom are going to have a girls night. I am so exited to watch movies. It will be awesome! I am looking forward to the fun night we are going to have.